
  Publications - books:

  • M. Grabowski, Payment Services Act. Commentary 2 edition. C.H. Beck 2020 - see

  • M. Grabowski, Payment Instruments. CeDeWu 2013 - see
  • M. Grabowski (co-author), Banking Law. Commentary . C.H. Beck 2013 - see
  • M. Grabowski, Payment Services Act. Commentary. Komentarz. Beck 2012 - see

  Publications - articles:

  • Shareholders register and the obligations resulting from AML Act (PPH 2020, in preparation);

  • New obligations for Virtual Assets Providers in Poland with regard to cryptocurrencies (implementation of the AMLD5 and FATF recommendations in Poland) (2020, w przygotowaniu);

  • Payment services law (A few remarks on the project of the Regulatory Technical Standards by the European Banking Authority concerning the second payment services Directive PSD2)), European Law in Praxis no 11/2016

  • New developments in the payment services law resulting from the Regulation 2015/751 on interchange fees, European Law in Praxis No. 5/2016

  • Anonymous pre-paid cards and the legal construction of electronic money, Monitor Prawa Handlowego 2016  (in preparation)

  • Strong customer’s authentication and its influence on the legal liability of the banks and other payment services providers, Monitor Prawa Handlowego 2016  (in preparation)

  • Will the future banks be only the providers of the capital? Trends in the payment services regulations, Monitor Prawa Bankowego 5/2016

  • Virtual curriencies as the basis for constructing derivatives – legal aspects (in preparation)

  • M. Grabowski, K. Krzos, Host Card Emulation - technical, organizational and legal aspects of implementing the service, Almanach Polskie Karty 2016 - download

  • Selcected aspects of the legal construction of eWallet, Problemy Zarz±dzania, vol. 13, nr 3 (54), t. 1: 118 – 130 - download

  • The legal concept of payment instruments – commentary to the judgement of the Court of Justice from 9.04.2014 r. signature C-616/11 T-Mobile Austria GmbH against Verein f�r Konsumenteninformation, EPS no 8/2015

  • New payment services in the draft PSD2 Directive – is the screen scraping legal?, EPS nr 6/2015

  • The impact of bankruptcy for security deposit, Monitor Prawniczy 2011, Nr 7
  • Payment Services Act, Monitor Prawniczy 2011, Nr 21
  •  Practical implementation aspects of the Payment Services Directive (Directive 2007/64/WE) (..) in one of the polish banks, Almanach Polish Cards 2010
  • Payment Services in Directive 2007/64/WE  on payment services in the internal market, European Law in praxis, September/2009
  • M. Grabowski,, Legal remedies of  cost reimbursement in the case of card frauds,
  • Legal responsibility and remedies in the case of distance card frauds (the Internet, phone, mail),
  •  Legal aspects of authorization of  card payments, Bank Law, no 11/2006
  • Reclamation of card transactions, the relationship between card holder and issuer, Bank Law no 7-8/2007,Bank Information Technology 10/2007